2010 三月總結

很久沒更新部落格了 總是提不起勁來寫. 今年的成績總是起起伏伏 雖然說沒有輸的很慘 但心情上整個就是差多了.

從澳門回來後 有點不適應on-line的節奏 剛開始輸了一些; 到最近已經回穩 不過總結還是輸了$3k~

今天打三月份最後一個session時, EV=+2724 不過實際上= -339 好像是我有史以來差距最大的一次; 讓我有點哭笑不得~ Anyway, keep moving forward!!

PS: I didn't realize that Mar 30 isn't the last day of March lol then today i've played some and end up running pretty well at both 400 and 600. Thankfully March isn't a losing month!!



較新的 較舊
